Young Emerging Artist Award: ADFAS (Ku-ring-gai) Artist Residency
and Solo Exhibition @ Eramboo
Entries Close 15 August 2020
Eramboo is excited to be celebrating our second year of partnership with the Ku-ring-gai branch of the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society (known as ADFAS).
ADFAS (Ku-ring-gai) has sponsored an exciting opportunity for an emerging artist under 35 years that includes a one month artist in residence studio and exhibition at Eramboo.
Artists working in all media, performance and site responsive projects that respond to Eramboos location on the edge of Ku-ring-gai National Park are welcome to apply.
ADFAS (Ku-ring-gai) has generously funded an artist’s materials fee of $300, four weeks studio rental (August 2019), gallery hire and administration and mentoring by Eramboo. The residency will be followed by a solo exhibition within 3 months after completion of the studio month. Eramboo will provide access, advice and promotion of the emerging artist and installation assistance.
ADFAS Societies are run by volunteers and aim to foster interest in the decorative and fine arts, cultivate their application and study and encourage the preservation of our cultural and artistic heritage. ‘One of our community activities in this mission is to encourage youth participation in the Arts and each year we fund projects to this end’.
Please apply by completing the form below or for futher information email by 15 August 2020.

ADFAS (Ku-ring-gai) Young Emerging Artist Award Submission Form
Entries Close: 15 August 2020