20-28 October
WANDERlust is a new body of work created by painter FionaVerity and ceramicist JenniferEverett. Their work is united by the expression of landscapes seen and felt.
Both artists thrive and connect deeply with nature using their experiences in the natural world to discover new ways of mark making, line work and story creation. Engaging others- with a vibrant canvas or a warm and tactile surface- is what continues to drive them in their practice. Making tangible what they feel and value.

FionaVerity’s work focusses on the wild, abundant and natural world creating soothing and restful images, bringing inside the same sense of calm she feels when she’s outside. Her joy and boundless curiosity is ever present in her expressive marking whatever the surface; paper, canvas or board. Fiona’s need to immerse herself in the landscape is a daily quest where she experiments and plays with random marks sometimes gained through interacting physically with the environment or recording the movement of her body. These unconscious marks are developed and translated into energetic landscapes capturing the action she feels through paint, charcoal, pen and ink.

Ceramic artist JenniferEverett is energised by our society’s shifting paradigms on autonomous female sexuality. While touch and sensual surfaces have always been a feature of her work, the objects are beginning to play a more active role in her desire for more open female expression and empowerment. The blending of sculpture and functional tools stimulate exploration and conversation, bringing out into a public sphere what is usually taboo and whispers. In WANDERlust, Jennifer continues her desire for art that comes down off the gallery walls and into our hands. Art we use in our daily rituals from pouring tea to self-care. Polished bare porcelain we feel coupled with the subtle use of colour and texture help create an awakening of our senses and open pathways for reflection; intriguing details and form help to hold you there.
The wild and native bushland surrounding the gallery space at Eramboo, Terry Hills is the perfect backdrop to the exhibition mirroring what Fiona and Jennifer have embodied in WANDERlust.
Open daily 10am -4pm, art demonstrations everyday, all welcome!
Opening: Saturday 20 October at 3pm
WANDERlust Workshops
Saturday 20 October, 10.30am-12.30pm
Taking A Line for a Walk: Drawing Workshop with Fiona Verity
Saturday 27 October, 10.00am-1.00pm
CUPS: Colour and Mark Making on a Ceramic Cup with Jennifer Everett